When it comes to tree removals, our employees are very knowledgeable and skilled allowing us to remove any size tree safely on any property. Kerry’s Tree Service, Inc. is fully insured for your protection. Our satisfied customers prove that we are one of the best tree service companies in the Tree Care Industry

The decision to remove a tree can be difficult.
Unfortunately, it sometimes becomes necessary to remove trees from our properties. Knowledge of tree structure, ability to judge the relative strength of sound and unsound wood, agility, and skill in rigging are so important in the tree removal process that it is best to hire a professional tree service company to assure property assets are not damaged by the tree removal process and that it’s safely brought down.
Proper removal and saftey techniques are critical.
Shade trees cannot be felled like trees in the forest but must be taken down section by section if damage to gardens, shrubs, buildings, and nearby trees is to be avoided. Tree removal is a very dangerous process and should be done by a trained and fully insured professional. Many trees need to be climbed due to their location and may require the use of rigging systems or cranes to safely lower the tree down.

Property owners are forced to make critical decisions to remove a tree for the following reasons:
When it comes to looking after your property, trees are a significant consideration. A hazardous tree can pose considerable dangers to both persons and property. Trees can become unsafe for all kinds of reasons.
Some trees are intrinsically unsafe because they grow in shallow soils. Roots can’t penetrate deep into the earth, and so trees can become dislodged or unstable following high winds. Other trees become unsafe because they are old. When trees get older, they begin to die, leaving sections cut off from the nutrients of the rest of the tree. When these parts die, they create a risk of falling. Finally, trees can sometimes become unsafe after a storm or if struck by lighting. When trees are in poor condition, it’s the responsibility of the property owner to correct the issue with tree removal.
What Is Tree Removal?
Tree removal is the process by which a tree is wholly taken away from a particular piece of land. The tree is first cut down and then processed into sections for transport. The stump is then pulled up or ground down with a stump grinding tool and the debris removed. Often, the only thing that remains after tree removal is a hole in the ground where the roots used to be. The hole can be filled in quickly with compost or aggregate.
Tree removal differs from tree pruning or trimming. Tree pruning and trimming refer to the process of removing individual branches or section of the tree, whereas removal refers to the removal of the entire tree, often including the roots.
People use tree removal for all kinds of reasons which we will discuss later. Many of these reasons relate to safety while some are about aesthetics and improving the appearance of one’s garden. As long as a tree is not protected, it can be removed.
Once you remove the tree, you can then replant it with something else or leave the ground bare. Sometimes people remove a tree if it is dying and replace it with something new that will continue to serve them for many years to come.
What Are The Benefits Of Tree Removal?
Tree removal is a complicated process that requires the help of professionals. But despite its complexity, it comes with a host of benefits that you should consider when thinking about having a tree removed.
It Prevents Injury And Damage To Property
Trees are beautiful objects that can enhance the aesthetics of any garden. But they’re also extremely heavy. When they fall, they could potentially damage property and injure people standing below. Although it is sometimes sad to have to remove a tree, it’s often in the interest of public safety: you must remove a tree to keep people safe.
Homeowners, for instance, might need to remove a tree that overhangs their property is dying. If the tree dies and becomes unstable, it could come crashing down on the property, damaging it and injuring anyone inside.
Businesses also need to consider tree removal. A dangerous tree next to a popular thoroughfare could fall and cause injury to people walking below.
It Helps Improve The Appearance Of Your Landscaping
Trees are often a wonderful addition to landscaping. But sometimes they’re in the way, ugly, or dying. In these situations, many people prefer to remove the trees so that they can bring their vision to life.
Many people choose to remove dead or rotting trees during a landscaping project. Landscaping is the perfect opportunity to get the job done and achieve the perfect garden that you’ve always wanted.
It Saves Money In The Long Term
Removing a tree might cost money up front, but it can save money in the long-term. If a tree is dangerous and causes damage to a person or property, then it’s the responsibility of the owner to make good on that damage. Owners that do not remove dangerous trees risk having to pay out compensation to injured parties or additional premiums for home insurance. Tree removal, therefore, is a kind of investment which prevents further costs down the road.
It Protects Driveways, Parking Lots And Sidewalks
Trees have a nasty habit of destroying driveways, parking lots, and sidewalks. Shallow roots from the tree make their way underneath paved and concrete areas, and then expand as the tree grows. The expansion process forces the material above upwards and outwards, causing it to crack and fail eventually. Once it breaks, ice and water can get in, damaging it further.
The only way to prevent this usually is to remove the tree. Some trees are worse than others. Pines and conifers often have shallow roots and can do the most damage to paving, although any tree can cause issues.
Boost The Appearance Of Your Home
Trees are beautiful, but they have a nasty habit of concealing your home from the road, something that you might not want if you’re trying to sell your property. Trees can grow tall in the front yard, blocking out views of your home, especially in the summer. If passers-by can’t see your home, they may not be as interested in looking around or making a purchase. Removing trees, therefore, can have beneficial effects and make it more likely that your home will eventually sell.
Professional Tree Removal Services
Tree removal is a complicated process that should be carried out by professionals with the right skills and tools. Trees are large, dangerous, and heavy objects which can easily injure people if not managed correctly.
Competent, professional tree removal involves cutting the tree down to the base and then removing the remaining stump. The benefits of tree removal are impressive, enabling you to improve the appearance of your property while at the same time minimizing danger.
Tree removal can get rid of dead or dying trees, allowing you to replace them with something different. Tree removal can also help to preserve your driveways, patios, and other concreted areas from damage. Problem roots can be removed, allowing you to maintain the value of your assets.
Dead Trees
Trees that are dead should be removed as soon as possible. The longer you wait to take a dead tree down the more unstable the wood becomes. If a tree is left for too long it will not be able to be climbed and will require specialty equipment. This will increase the tree removal cost substantially. Some signs that your tree is dead are:
- There is an absence of leaves when there should be leaves.
- Large pieces of bark are separating from the trunk.
- The tree is dropping large limbs
Dying or Diseased Trees
Declining and dying trees should be removed before they die completely. This will make the tree removal process safer and easier therefore cheaper. Some signs that you have a dying tree include:
- Bare branches throughout the tree.
- Leaves turning brown
- Falling limbs
Structurally Unstable Trees
There are a multitude of things that can cause a tree to be deemed structurally unstable. Some of the following would warrant the immediate removal of a tree and you should keep an eye out for them:
- Lateral or vertical cracks in the trunk of the tree
- Large cavities in the trunk from old pruning wounds
- Decaying roots
- Included Bark Syndrome
Overcrowded or Planted Incorrectly
Trees grow best when they do not have to compete with one another. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should cut down 16 Maple trees so your 1 Oak tree can develop. This is where our arborists come into play. We will gladly come out and explain in detail which trees should be removed or pruned so others can develop.
Landscape Needs
We are often the first step in a new landscaping process. Tree removal is usually incorporated into new landscape designs. We worked closely with landscape architects to ensure we meet all of the landscaping goals. Whether you are a landscape architect designer or a homeowner, if you are embarking on a new project we would be glad to help.